Customer story: Medical Teams International (MTI) transforms health care for more than 1 million refugees in Uganda
In response to a spike in malaria cases, Medical Teams International migrated patient data to the cloud, where they were able to analyze information in real time and alert residents of a possible malaria outbreak. With this advanced notice, residents could take preventative measures, curbing the outbreak.
Modern cloud infrastructure is enabling businesses all over the world to transform industries and make a difference. Wherever you are in your cloud migration journey, we can help. Contact our team at to learn more.

Customer story: With Microsoft AI, Comics go head to head at the Laugh Battle
AI technology can do more than just crunch numbers. At the National Comedy Center in Jamestown, New York, AI is being used for something much more human. Six comedians are using Microsoft's Face API to see who can keep a straight face while making their opponents crack up.
While this competition is all in good fun, it demonstrates that this application is just one example of the wide range of real-world uses for Microsoft AI. As technology continues to progress, the only thing holding us back is imagination.

Customer story: Razer plays to win, gains advantage in global gaming industry with Microsoft 365
At gaming computer company, Razer, teamwork is paramount when it comes to engineering new gaming tools. That's why they use Microsoft 365 and Teams to facilitate communication within their distributed workforce. The single platform for all their collaborative needs simplifies processes, especially in the IT department. With this platform, they can make sure employee assets are all up-to-date with the latest security features and more.
If you're interested in increasing your collaborative potential, contact today. We have years of experience in the industry and we want to help you succeed.

Customer Story: Think Up Consulting
Looking to accelerate your small business? Discover how @thinkingup streamlines internal processes, enhances security and reduces costs with #Office365 on #Windows 10 devices.
With a focus on brand strategy, change management and strategic consulting, Think Up helps global brands make deep, lasting connections with customers. Discover how Office 365 streamlines internal collaboration to dramatically increase productivity, enabling the company to achieve more.
#GetModern with and Microsoft.

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Applications and Infrastructure provide a broad set of services and technologies that can contribute to the way you do business. At , we believe Azure's rapidly evolving capabilities can help to modernize and differentiate your company. For updates and to learn more, subscribe now!

Customer story: How migrating to Azure is modernizing JB Hunt
Trucking company JB Hunt handles over 3.5 million trucks on the road each day. Customers want to know where their freight is in real time. That's why JB Hunt built their tracking system on a traditional mainframe. But as the amount of data they collected increased, their old system couldn't keep up. JB Hunt chose to migrate to Azure. With Azure, they migrated thousands of applications onto one platform.
At , we have the industry experience to help you find the right solution to meet your data needs. Contact us today to learn how we can help.

Customer story: Rochester Institute of Technology levels the playing field with AI for students who are deaf
As the largest mainstream program in the world, the National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID) serves as a beacon of hope and opportunity to those who have struggled against auditory barriers to learning.
But even at their current size and resources, NTID struggles to keep up with the demand for their services. To increase their reach and impact, NTID turned to Microsoft Translator. Using AI technology, Microsoft Translator can accurately process communication in real time and allow all students the same access to information, regardless of their hearing abilities.
Check out this video to learn more about their incredible journey and impact.

Customer story: City of Westminster College | What is voice?
At the City of Westminster College, Kabir is a student who is hard of hearing and communicates through an interpreter. The process is cumbersome. But when the school adopted Microsoft Teams, Kabir and his class started communicating effortlessly.
The modern workplace facilitates teamwork, and students like Kabir can now collaborate at levels not possible before. Your business can collaborate better by integrating similar tools. At , we have the experience to help you streamline the adoption of a new collaborative solution. Contact us today to learn more on how we can help.