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Stay connected and boost productivity in your remote work when you use @Microsoft Teams. To learn more, subscribe now.
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But we are proud to say that Intrepid contributed 983 entries already.
Stay connected and boost productivity in your remote work when you use @Microsoft Teams. To learn more, subscribe now.
See how the @Microsoft .NET Engineering Services team streamlined developer collaboration to accelerate open-source innovation on #GitHub. Learn about the challenges the team faced, their journey, and the results they have seen in the adoption of #DevOps practices.
When you’re ready to innovate, contact to learn more.
Microsoft has a variety of tools to help you maximize your virtual experience. Ready to start increasing your productivity and security? Quickly set up your Windows Virtual Desktop by watching these videos here.
When your business moves to remote work, you need to stay protected from cyberattacks. With @Microsoft security, you have best practices that help ensure the best protection.
Read this article and contact to learn more.
Microsoft has a variety of tools to help you maximize your virtual experience. Ready to start increasing your productivity and security? Quickly set up your Windows Virtual Desktop by watching these videos here.
Make sure you and your team are taking full advantage of @Microsoft Teams to stay connected and drive productivity. The new Teams update offers new opportunities, including a feature that ensures meeting controls will never block the underlying content. Learn more here:
Microsoft employs more than 3,500 security experts completely dedicated to your data security and privacy. Work confidently and know your organization’s data is safe when you use Windows Virtual Desktop. Click here to find out how, and contact to learn more.
When you add telephony capabilities to your existing @Microsoft Teams, you equip your team with a powerful system that has everything available in one single interface. Learn how #TonysChocolonely, an Amsterdam impact and chocolate company, uses this system to coordinate easily with their workers in Europe, America, and Africa.
Microsoft is working around the clock to bring you best-in-class experiences, whether you’re in-office or at home. Don’t miss the latest features Windows Virtual Desktop has to offer. Subscribe to learn more.
DevOps enables organizations to deliver software faster and more reliably. But to get the desired results, it’s important to know that there’s more to building an effective DevOps practice than learning new methodologies and technologies. Learn about how culture is the key to a successful DevOps transformation in this e-Book from @Microsoft.